PT Indo Malaka Global

We stand as a supplier of coffee, coconut products, yellow maize, and areca nuts in Indonesia. Beyond merely exporting farmers’ commodities to international markets, we actively support farmers in developing and upholding superior product quality standards.

PT Indo Malaka Global draws inspiration from the dynamic interplay between the strategic Strait of Malacca and the bountiful island of Sumatra. As a crucial global trade route, the Strait of Malacca has historical significance dating back to the 13th century. Simultaneously, Sumatra, Indonesia’s largest landmass, shares direct borders with the Malacca Strait and stands as a prolific producer of premium commodities.

Sumatra’s fertile lands yield diverse, high-quality goods, including palm oil, rubber, coffee, cocoa, corn, and coconut, which enjoy international acclaim. Our unwavering commitment lies in connecting you with authentic, superior local commodities. Through collaborative efforts with local farmers, we ensure a consistent product quality that comes to you at competitive prices.

coffee-farm-in-sumatera (1)
sumatra and malacca strait

Embracing our strategic geographical advantage, we minimize shipping costs, enabling us to deliver products expeditiously. This translates to cost savings for you and guarantees that the products you receive are in impeccable condition, ensuring a delightful experience for your customers.

The bustling Strait of Malacca, one of the oldest and busiest trade routes, links Middle Eastern countries with European and African counterparts. Leveraging this historical route, we strive to offer unparalleled international trade access.

Our dedicated team tirelessly collaborates with diverse stakeholders to streamline your access to high-quality local commodities. We are focused on crafting solutions that foster mutual benefit, allowing local products to gain adoration in the global market and uplifting Indonesian farmers’ welfare. At PT Indo Malaka Global, we are not just facilitating trade but pioneering a transformative experience that resonates locally and reverberates globally.

Our Mission

1. Empowering Local Farmers.

At Indo Malaka Global, we recognize that a company's success transcends financial metrics alone. We gauge our achievement by the positive impact we can impart on local communities. Our commitment to the well-being of local farmers extends beyond borders, providing them access to broader international markets. This generates economic opportunities and contributes to elevating the living standards of agricultural communities across Indonesia.

2. Showcasing Indonesian Excellence on the Global Stage.

Indonesia boasts a wealth of high-quality products that mirror its cultural and natural diversity. We take pride in playing a pivotal role in showcasing the beauty and uniqueness of Indonesian products to the entire world. Through our platform for local products, we aim to cultivate global awareness about Indonesia's richness and actively support the burgeoning export industry.

3. Fostering Connections Between International Markets and Local Farmers.

We firmly believe that forging robust relationships between local farmers and international markets is essential for the sustainability of our business. We establish an efficient and equitable distribution channel by bridging the divide between these two entities. This not only benefits farmers but also ensures that Indonesian products maintain competitiveness and value in international markets.

Company Values

1. Uncompromising Quality

Our commitment is unwavering to provide products that exemplify Indonesia's commitment to excellence.

2. Fairness and Transparency

We prioritize fairness in all business transactions, ensuring transparency in every operational facet.

3. Sustainability

We endeavor to operate our business with a keen focus on sustainability across economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

4. Innovation

We are perpetually exploring novel ways to enhance efficiency and devise innovative solutions at every juncture of our supply chain.